Demon City vol 1: Hell on Earth

A project in Chicago, IL by Trevor

Status: Active

Death has been murdered. Now no one can die! A horror / crime story for mature readers who like Hellboy, Lethal Weapon, & Lovecraft!
Backers: 162
Average Daily Pledges: $275
Average Pledge Per Backer: $42

Funding: $6,873 of $4,000
Dates: Oct 1st -> Oct 31st (31 days)
Project By: Trevor
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Latest News

Wednesday is new comic day!

October 23rd - via:
Happy new comic book day! Have you gone into your Local Comic Shop (LCS) today? If not, no worries...there are some awesome comics here on Kickstarter you should totally check out!  THE BREACH #1THE BREACH is an incredible new comic book series from... (Read More)

Halfway to our next stretch goal!

October 22nd - via:
Hey there, my friend! Since we're 9 days out from the end of the campaign, I wanted to let you know about a few things:  First, we're about halfway to our next stretch goal! When we hit $7k, we'll unlock another reward - which will be available to... (Read More)

Another Stretch Goal Unlocked - only 10 more days to go!

October 21st - via:
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I know I did! Because over the weekend, we unlocked another stretch goal! Now, all backers of a physical book will get two bookmarks to help keep track of where they are in the graphic novel - or in any book you... (Read More)

Another stretch goal reached! Want to see it?

October 18th - via:
Happy Friday, you awesome people! As of this post, we're 145% funded! I could say "thank you" from now until the end of the month, and it still wouldn't convey how incredibly humbled I feel at this showing of love and support. Thank you so very VERY... (Read More)

Some spooky books for the spooky season!

October 11th - via:
Hey my friends, thank you so much for supporting DEMON CITY and helping us get funded in the first week! It's almost the end of week 2, and I wanted to share some more spooky books that may catch your interest!  Check out these three spooky books... (Read More)

The final pinup - REVEALED!

October 9th - via:
My friends!  As you know, because of your pledges and hitting the funding goal for this campaign, we have unlocked our first stretch goal: the final pinup by the legendary Ben Templesmith!  BEHOLD!The pinups are available as an add-on for all... (Read More)


October 8th - via:
I'm so incredibly excited to announce that because of you, DEMON CITY has been funded in the first week!  The response to this book has been incredible, both among the creator community and from my fans and readers. I am so very humbled by this... (Read More)

Over 50% funded on day 1!

October 2nd - via:
Thank you so much for supporting DEMON CITY! When I originally made this comic during covid, it was to help channel a lot of what I was feeling inside. It was something to keep me busy. And it was a chance to connect with people on a regular basis... (Read More)

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