A project in Sydney, AU by Laidback Dungeon Master000days
Funding Successful
The 2nd One-shot in the Draakenslund Adventures series, featuring PNG tokens and JPEG maps for VTT!
Backers: 207
Average Pledge Per Backer: $14 AUD
Funded: $2,830 AUD of $500 AUD
Dates: Jan 28th -> Feb 12th (15 days)
Project By: Laidback Dungeon Master
Backers: 207
Average Pledge Per Backer: $14 AUD
Funded: $2,830 AUD of $500 AUD
Dates: Jan 28th -> Feb 12th (15 days)
Project By: Laidback Dungeon Master
+Suggest$2,830 AUD
current pledge level
Last Updated: February 12 @ 18:04 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Layout Updates Preview of 'Kisak's Vault'!
February 9th - via:
Hi all, I've been making layout changes to Kisak's Vault to accommodate the new art and adding in some additional text as a result of playtesting. Here's a sneak preview: These are just a few of Kisak's Vault's 25 pages We're in the final 72 hours... (Read More)
3rd Stretch Goal Unlocked!
February 8th - via:
Hi all, 3rd Stretch Goal down! More persons of interest (for use as patrons, friends, foes, etc.), plus new art and layout changes (as mentioned in my last update) added to the Primer! Huzzah! Cheers! Steve :)... (Read More)
New Layout & Persons of Interest for Dragonsbane Primer!
February 6th - via:
Hi all, You may have (or not) been wondering what I've been doing over the last week. Aside from finalizing the layout and text in Kisak's Vault (turns out when you add art you need to modify the layout a fair bit lol), I've also been adding... (Read More)
2nd Stretch Goal Unlocked!
February 3rd - via:
Hi all, The 2nd Stretch Goal has fallen and 3 new VIPs - persons of interest you can use in your games as NPCs, BBEGs, quest givers or for interesting lore - have been added to the Draakenslund Primer! Note: writing/layout may change slightly in... (Read More)
Free Maps!
February 2nd - via:
Hi All, I like to make maps, and occasionally I give away free ones on my website, Laidback DM: So, whether you like old school B&W or new school color maps, here are links to the last few giveaways: Free Map: Underdark... (Read More)
1st Stretch Goal Unlocked!
January 29th - via:
Hi all, The 1st Stretch Goal is unlocked! I've drawn a bunch of spot art (a few for tokens, originally) and they've now been added into the adventure. Now I don't claim to be a great artist, but I do like to draw, and I think these images aren't... (Read More)
Success! We're Funded!!
January 28th - via:
Hi all, We're FUNDED!!! Thank you all for getting us to this point. This is my 41st Kickstarter and it's always great to get over the line so I can start making stretch goals to give you more bang for your buck (especially in these troubling times).... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!