Afrika Korps 1941

A project in Madrid, Spain by Crisanto Lorente Gonzalez

Funding Unsuccessful

Rewrite History in the Deserts of WWII.
Backers: 70
Average Pledge Per Backer: €69

Funded: €4,798 of €6,500
Dates: Jan 21st -> Feb 20th (30 days)
Project By: Crisanto Lorente Gonzalez
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Last Updated: February 20 @ 13:14 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

We haven't reached the goal.. / No hemos alcanzado el objetivo...

February 20th - via:
Dear backers, it is with great disappointment that we announce that Afrika Korps 41 will not be moving forward at this time.  We want to express our sincere gratitude for your support and enthusiasm; it has meant a great deal to us and has motivated... (Read More)

Battle of Gazala Game - Partida de La Batalla de Gazala

February 14th - via:
I leave you the video of a game we played the other day of the Battle of Gazala scenario... it was a lot of fun and very intense until the end.... we had a great time !!  Os dejo el video de una partida que jugamos el otro día del escenario de la... (Read More)

Solo mode game - Partida en modo solitario

February 11th - via:
Here are some turns from a game of Afrika Korps 41 played in solo mode against the AI.. Os dejamos unos turnos de una partida de Afrika Korps 41 jugando en modo solitario contra la IA.  (Read More)

English Videos - Videos en Inglés

February 9th - via:
You've asked us several times if we could upload videos in English. Unfortunately, our pronunciation isn't the best in the world, and we couldn't find anyone to do us this favor... but we've been trying to find a solution, and I think we've found it!... (Read More)

Afrika Korps 41 : Combate - Combat

February 7th - via:
Os traemos un video corto de como se combate en el juego básico, y también a nivel intermedio introduciendo las artillerías. - We're bringing you a short video showcasing how combat works in the basic game, as well as at the intermediate level... (Read More)

Solo Mode and Rules in PDF - Modo Solitario y Reglas en PDF

February 3rd - via:
Comanders, attention! We are excited to announce that the solo mode rules for Afrika Korps 41 are on the way! Based on your feedback, we have started working on a solo gameplay system inspired by Austerlitz, adapted to the epic North Africa campaign.... (Read More)

We are steadily progressing towards our objective - Vamos por el buen camino para alcanzar nuestro objetivo.

January 27th - via:
We reunited at BellotaCom! Four intense days filled with games and laughter alongside great friends. And of course, Afrika Korps 41 couldn't be missing. The Crusader scenario was a huge hit and the players' feedback was amazing. Thank you all for... (Read More)

Shipping Cost - Costes de Envío

January 21st - via:
There has been an error, and currently, when selecting shipping costs, only those for Spain are displayed. Once the campaign ends, shipping costs will be handled during the late pledge. For shipments outside of Spain, the amount paid for shipping now... (Read More)

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