Active Tabletop Games Projects

(found 264 projects)

Ends after Monday

Pharaos Aufstieg – Das Brettspiel, werde Pharao

ein strategisches Brettspiel, die Herausforderung für deine Logik, Intuition, Kombinationsfähigkeit und Glück! Spaß pur!


Backers: 0
Funding: €0 of €1,300 (0% funded)
Average daily pledges: €0
Campaign Dates: January 3rd -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 4 hours, 19 minutes

Nut Chess - Unconventional Chess Set

Nut Chess is a unique example of using nuts and bolts in an unconventional way to create a durable chess set with a modern design.


Backers: 13
Funding: €498 of €5,000 (9% funded)
Average daily pledges: €9
Campaign Dates: November 24th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 5 hours, 9 minutes

Dinoworld kingdoms vol 6

3D Printable Miniatures for RPG & Tabletop Wargames (Pre-supported STL Files)


Backers: 73
Funding: MX$33,500 of MX$10,000 (335% funded)
Average daily pledges: MX$1,396
Campaign Dates: December 24th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 7 hours, 25 minutes

Vault of the Forgotten Gods

A modular ready-to-run dungeon crawl for 5e, brimming with divine mysteries, perilous encounters, and legendary treasures. From £1


Backers: 9
Funding: £227 of £55 (412% funded)
Average daily pledges: £25
Campaign Dates: January 8th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 10 hours, 23 minutes

3D Printable Terrain for Wargames Vol.2

Easy to 3D print terrain and props for your wargames.


Backers: 56
Funding: €618 of €50 (1236% funded)
Average daily pledges: €618
Campaign Dates: January 16th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 11 hours, 18 minutes

Eric -Man of War- 3d printable DnD 5e compatible 80s warrior

Miniature STL files in 32mm + 75mm scale for gaming, painters, collectors and dioramas. Including D&D 5e compatible character sheet


Backers: 28
Funding: €270 of €50 (540% funded)
Average daily pledges: €27
Campaign Dates: January 7th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes

WoWBuildings World War 2 3D Printable Terrain and Scenery

stl files for 3D printing, tabletop wargame buildings


Backers: 204
Funding: £12,021 of £800 (1502% funded)
Average daily pledges: £308
Campaign Dates: December 9th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 12 hours, 20 minutes


STL Printable files for Collectors and Tabletop Games


Backers: 98
Funding: €2,314 of €500 (462% funded)
Average daily pledges: €231
Campaign Dates: January 7th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes

Basic Bases for Tabletop: STL Files

STL Files for simple pattern bases for tabletop gaming and miniatures.


Backers: 11
Funding: £196 of £600 (32% funded)
Average daily pledges: £7
Campaign Dates: December 19th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 14 hours, 44 minutes

Legendary Monsters: Vicious and Valiant

Over 400 incredible creatures from real-world mythology and fabulous fantasy for Tales of the Valiant and Black Flag Roleplaying!


Backers: 69
Funding: $3,095 of $1,000 (309% funded)
Average daily pledges: $1,032
Campaign Dates: January 14th -> January 23rd (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 17 hours, 19 minutes

Bare Bones: The Dice Game that Thinks it's a Card Game

A deck building and dice drafting game that combines minimalist art with novel gameplay mechanics and endless replay.


Backers: 309
Funding: $19,000 of $17,500 (108% funded)
Average daily pledges: $826
Campaign Dates: December 25th -> January 24th (2025)
Time left: 6 days, 23 hours, 13 minutes

The Abandoned Market - 3D Printable STL Files

A Set Of Supportless Medieval Style Terrain STL Files For Tabletop Gaming , Dioramas or Wargaming.


Backers: 18
Funding: £228 of £100 (227% funded)
Average daily pledges: £16
Campaign Dates: January 3rd -> January 24th (2025)
Time left: 7 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes

Billionaire Bounties: A Cooperative Card Game

Role Play the Revolution


Backers: 12
Funding: $590 of $5,000 (11% funded)
Average daily pledges: $26
Campaign Dates: December 25th -> January 24th (2025)
Time left: 7 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes

French Armored Vehicles of WW2

3D printable STL files of French Armored Vehicles of World War II in 1:56 scale (28mm)


Backers: 5
Funding: €175 of €250 (70% funded)
Average daily pledges: €58
Campaign Dates: January 14th -> January 24th (2025)
Time left: 7 days, 7 hours, 0 minutes

Darragon Chronicles: Hardcover (DND 5e Adventures)

Six adventures in the world's of Darragon for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D).


Backers: 92
Funding: $1,690 of $100 (1689% funded)
Average daily pledges: $563
Campaign Dates: January 14th -> January 24th (2025)
Time left: 7 days, 9 hours, 19 minutes

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(total 264 results)